Tiny at the Record Store
She loves to snuggle in my jacket…in fact, she’s napping in there as I type this. Jimmy, a satisfied kitten customer! Yes, I did this. wikka wikka whaaa? DJ FluffnStuff Tiny helps Andy price records!
She loves to snuggle in my jacket…in fact, she’s napping in there as I type this. Jimmy, a satisfied kitten customer! Yes, I did this. wikka wikka whaaa? DJ FluffnStuff Tiny helps Andy price records!
Name this kitten and if we pick your name, you get a $10 gift certificate to Vertical House Records! No one seems to like Tiny, so we are searching for the perfect name for our record store mascot. Please submit your suggestions as comments or email to verticalhouse AT gmail DOT com. Once we have […]
‘Tis the season for Christmas parties, sales, food, friends, and fun! Join Vertical House Records on December 23rd for a potluck and an awesome show with Thomas Function, Puppy Hearts, and Geof Geiss (of Pizza and Big Whup)! Food starts at 7pm and if you bring a dish, the show is FREE! The show starts […]
We hope the holidays are treating you well and we just wanted to wish you all warm thoughts among the cold we’ve all been experiencing. Don’t forget to get your special orders to us soon so we can get them to you in time! If you aren’t sure what’s on someone’s list you can always […]
Please note we will be closed on Thanksgiving. And in December, our Saturday hours will extend to 6pm. ‘Tis the season to buy records fa la la la la la la la la! If you are looking for something special and need to place an order, please get us your requests by December 12th to […]