Vertical House Records 3.2
While we never really thought it would happen so soon, we expanded our store again – without having to move out of Lowe Mill! Unless you’ve been to the mill, it’s kinda hard to explain this. The spaces are rented out pole to pole (which is roughly 220 square feet). Our friend Emily had a single space at the far end of our store (she was part of Virago – the art group that had the space before we moved over). When Virago closed, Emily wanted to keep her space, so we built a “wall” between us. It was kinda awkward, but when a new space opened up a couple of weeks ago, she decided to move in.
So last week we re-arranged the store and took over Emily’s former space. Now our store has three huge windows and overlooks the parking lot…I know that part doesn’t sound exciting – but trust me, it’s prime real estate at the mill. The best part? We now have 1000 square feet!
It took us about 6 hours to move everything around and get it situated. We lost a part of a record shelf (after it fell on my foot) and a peg board broke in half (over Andy’s head) but all in all, it went pretty smooth!
I snapped some ‘before’ and ‘during’ shots of the store. I haven’t had a chance to do the ‘after’ shots yet, but I’ll get around to it!
it was so crowded before!
the “wall” between us and Emily
this was her former space…on the other side of the wall
first customer in the “new” store!