Saturday June 1st: ROCK N’ FLOW YOGA (10-11:15am, $15)

Rock N’ Flow Yoga with Casey Bakula fromĀ Your Yoga
Less talk more rock and flow!
This class is designed to have fun and feel great! Together we’ll rock and flow your yoga practice to a whole new level. Combining breath, asana, and sweet tunes, we’ll flow through creative, fun and energetic sequences, exploring different poses and variations along the way. Be ready for an experience that will challenge you in the best way and maximize your yoga practice and all it has to offer!
10am – 11:15am
Admission $15
Attendees will receive 10% off from any store purchase all day Saturday!
At Vertical House Records
2211 Seminole Drive, RR#9
Huntsville, AL 35805
RSVP on Facebook!