We are officially settled in our new space (across the hall from the old one, so no need to update your address book). Pictures are coming soon….I can’t believe they haven’t happened yet. Well, it’s been a pretty intense whirlwind or a move and happened sooner than we thought! To break in the new space, […]
March 29, 2010
Alabama, Huntsville, in store, juiceboxxx, puppy heart, puppy hearts, record store, record store show, show, Vertical House, Vertical House Records, woven bones
It’s great to have friends in high places, but it’s even better to have friends in sunny places…like California. And Geoff Geis (of Pizza! and Big Whup) is that friend! Yes, you know him…or at least seen him here. He has started contributing to FMLY and he had some very kind words about Vertical House […]
March 9, 2010
Alabama, article, big whup, featured, fmly, geoff geis, Huntsville, Music, pizza, record store, Vertical House Records
Vertical House Records is expanding!! yay! Dreams really do come true! Kinda serious about that…I dreamed about the space we are moving to last year. And now it’s happening. We are moving across the hall, and that means we will no longer be crammed. Our couches will no longer be occupied by crates of records. […]
March 5, 2010
Alabama, fresh and onlys, Huntsville, huntsville record store, new store, record store, vanishing cream, Vertical House, Vertical House Records, video, vimeo
Know who’s awesome? YOU! And we love you for being so! And you don’t get all this cheese without whine. All those times we whined, begged, and spammed you to vote for us really payed off this year cause Vertical House Records won first place for “Best Place to Buy CD’s and Music for Listening” […]
February 17, 2010
Alabama, first place, Huntsville, record store, valley planet, valley planet poll, Vertical House, Vertical House Records
Welcome welcome 2010…although you have brought with you upsetting news and destruction to our neighborhood. By now everyone has heard about the sad fact of Jay Reatard passing away. And while we didn’t know him personally, his music has inspired us for years. It’s always disconcerting when someone passes well before their time, especially after […]
January 23, 2010
Alabama, charlie's mix, Huntsville, jay reatard, Music, Thomas Function, Vertical House Records
We did it! We’ve finally chosen our top 20 Albums of 2009…along with the top 7 inches of the year. And while we were at it, we included our favorite shows from ’09. If you have a “best of” list of your own, you should share it with us! ALBUMS: 1. Box Elders – Alice […]
December 31, 2009
Alabama, best of 2009, best of 2009 list, Huntsville, Music, Vertical House, Vertical House Records
On December 23rd, we had a Christmas Party Potluck Showtime at Vertical House Records! There was so much food and friends and fun! Geoff Geis opened the show and Andy, Jennifer, and I played with him on a few songs again. Puppy Hearts went next and they stole the show, hands down. It’s a new […]
December 31, 2009
Alabama, christmas party, daed pizza, geoff geis, Huntsville, kitten, puppy hearts, record store kitten, Thomas Function, tiny, Vertical House, Vertical House Records
She loves to snuggle in my jacket…in fact, she’s napping in there as I type this. Jimmy, a satisfied kitten customer! Yes, I did this. wikka wikka whaaa? DJ FluffnStuff Tiny helps Andy price records!
December 18, 2009
Alabama, Huntsville, kitten, record store kitten, tiny, tiny kitten, Vertical House, Vertical House Records
Name this kitten and if we pick your name, you get a $10 gift certificate to Vertical House Records! No one seems to like Tiny, so we are searching for the perfect name for our record store mascot. Please submit your suggestions as comments or email to verticalhouse AT gmail DOT com. Once we have […]
December 17, 2009
Alabama, Huntsville, kitten, naming contest, record store kitten, Vertical House Records
‘Tis the season for Christmas parties, sales, food, friends, and fun! Join Vertical House Records on December 23rd for a potluck and an awesome show with Thomas Function, Puppy Hearts, and Geof Geiss (of Pizza and Big Whup)! Food starts at 7pm and if you bring a dish, the show is FREE! The show starts […]
December 15, 2009
Alabama, big whup, christmas show, holiday, Huntsville, kitten, live, pizza, potluck, puppy heart, record store kitten, show, store mascot, Thomas Function, tiny, Vertical House Records